Hundreds of thousands of fipronil eggs in GB

In Britain, hundreds of thousands of fipronil eggs have probably been marketed.

The Food Standards Agency makes it probable that the number of imported fipronil eggs 'is closer to 700,000 than the 21,000 we have previously gone from. '

The FSA emphasizes that there is no reason for unrest. 'Although the eggs with fipronil residue have been sold in some European countries as fresh eggs, this is not the case in the United Kingdom,' said the supervisor. 'Many eggs are mixed with eggs that do not come from affected farms, so the present fipronil residue will be seriously diluted. '

A number of products in which the eggs are processed, is believed to have been consumed according to the service. Products that are still in the shelves are retrieved. According to the FSA, this is not due to concerns about food safety, but because fipronil can not be present in 'food producing animals.' '