Hundreds of thousands of children alone on the run

The number of single-traveling minor immigrants in the world has been almost fivefold in a few years.

Unicef ​​talks about an 'unmistakably large number of children' traveling without escorts. This is noticeable in Italy, where many migrants arrive in boats from northern Africa. '92 percent of all children arriving in Italy through the Mediterranean in 2016 traveled alone or separated from parents and relatives,' said the UN organization.

According to Unicef, children can have many reasons to take such a risky journey alone. Some young people are reunited with relatives who are already abroad. Others seek a better life or escape for example domestic violence, forced marriage or the duty of service.

According to the children's rights organization, the authorities struggle in many countries with the influx of single-traveling minors. For example, about a third of asylum seekers in Europe were underage last year. In Greece, 937 children were on guard for 'child-friendly' shelters last month.

'Facilities for children in countries at European external borders are lacking, children are sometimes detained, getting involved with violence and exploitation, and procedures are slow', UNICEF concludes that world leaders urgently urges the refugees and migrant children to be better off to protect.

The organization is also responsible for The Hague. 'In addition to the commitment within its own borders, the Netherlands must work through the EU to protect refugees and migrant children in the rest of Europe. '