How hard does Italy play the euro game?

The new Italian government is in the starting blocks, but makes all alarm bells go off in Brussels.

How hard do the new rulers dare to play the game ?, is still the question. Because it will be clear that there will be an undisputed eurocritical sound from Rome. European finance ministers, meeting in Brussels on Thursday for a Eurogroup, will immediately demand clarification.

The worrying figures about Italy are known: with a national debt of over 130 percent (the European standard is a maximum of 60 percent), the country after Greece is the worst boy in the class. But where Greece is a tiny country, Italy is the third economy of the euro zone.

It also immediately leads to relativisation in the Brussels ranks. A new euro crisis? Ah, the Italian economy is so big that we can not save it anyway, it sounds.

The Italian government wants to spend more than 100 billion euros a year more, money that is not there at all. A continuous collision with Brussels and other member states is on the horizon.

The hope in Brussels is that the financial markets will force the Italian government to reason. For fear of financial juggling, the interest rate differential with Germany has already risen sharply. Discipline and market discipline, words that the new rulers will only make raender.

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