Housekeeper from Sri Lanka has to take a contraceptive

Sri Lankan women who are going to work as housekeeper in the Middle East must take the prick pill before leaving.

'Before we send a maid there is a medical checkup and nobody can influence it. But once it's done, we can give it something, 'said a recruiter against the British newspaper The Guardian.

Sri Lanka is recovering from a 30-year civil war, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands of men and injured many. As a result, women are often the cost-winner in the family and are often so desperate that they agree with everything.

'Most women do not know what the injections are for,' said a spokesperson for a human rights organization for migrants. 'She is not told anything about it. '

According to the human rights organization, the contraceptive is not only intended as a guarantee for the employer, but also to give the recruiters free rein. 'Some women think that it is necessary to have sex with the agents before they are sent out. '

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