Hollande has to prove itself in election

French President Francois Hollande must regain the trust of his party if he wants to go next year for re-election.

The PS election takes place in January. Formidable opponents of Hollande have not yet mixed in battle, but they still have until December.

PS hopes the media attention and the appearance of a lively debate which party would be such a 'primary' coupled to regain some of the lost voters favor. Especially the specter that the PS candidate does not meet the second and decisive round of voting and should monitor how the center-right and far right go for the presidency holds socialists from their sleep.
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In April, the French elect a new president. Probably gets the PS candidate to make the most of the popular Marine Le Pen of the right-wing populist National Front and the candidate of the center-right Les Républicaines. As a dozen leaders of that party has reported for the primaries and former president Nicolas Sarkozy would warm up.

Hollande had recently been collecting a setback. He also hoped to unite the smaller left parties behind his candidacy, but that now seems excluded the extreme left Jean-Luc Mélenchon wants a shot at the presidency.