Harvey Weinstein fights indictment

Harvey Weinstein intends to ask the court to dismiss the charges against him.

A so-called grand jury addressed the question of whether a prosecutor has sufficient evidence to start a lawsuit against Weinstein. The police in New York spent months researching the 66-year-old film producer. Apparently that provided enough evidence for the jury to sue Weinstein for rape and 'criminal sexual act' with two women in 2004 and 2013.

These are rape complaints of the first and third degree, the first degree being the most serious variant: community under physical pressure. The third-degree indictment applies in cases where the alleged victim was unable to give permission. The indictment against Weinstein for a 'criminal sexual act' is one of the third grade. That stands for an oral or anal sexual act that takes place under compulsion. The charges in New York are 5 to 25 years in prison.

Weinstein reported to the police in New York last week. In addition to the two alleged victims in this case, dozens of women accuse the producer of sexual abuse. The allegations to the former CEO of The Weinstein Company formed the start of the # MeToo movement.

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