Harry and Meghan: mother Diana is there

Prince Harry and Meghan know for sure: Princess Diana would be overjoyed with their engagement.

Diana died in 1997 after a car accident in Paris. The engagement ring that Harry gave to Meghan contains jewels from his mother, Princess Diana, which he received after her death. When asked by the interviewer what this means for Meghan, she replied: 'Harry does everything so thoughtfully and thoughtfully. It is of course very important for him and for me that she is there. And in this way she is there. '

Prince Harry finds it very unfortunate that he can not share the big news with his mother, because 'she would jump into the air. '' I miss her very much at times like this, because I can not share my happiness with her. 'He is also convinced that the princess Meghan would have liked very much. 'They would be two hands on one belly. 'But they are certain that she is still there:' She is now jumping into the air, even if she does it somewhere else. '