Hague Municipal Archive can not work

The work of securing the history of The Hague is expanding the Hague Municipal Archive.

In recent years, the Hague Municipal Archive has been working hard to digitize the mile-long boxes of paper bags over the city, but that does not want to be smooth. In particular, old building files are threatened because they still float around the city hall's courtyards. According to the Hague Municipal Archive, this file causes significant damage by consultation and copying on a daily basis.

Additionally, neighboring Leidschendam-Voorburg has already housed its archives at The Hague, which is being supplemented daily. According to the Hague Municipal Archive, the current storage space is therefore virtually full.

In order to speed up the entry of archive material into computers, the most important information is digitized so that anyone can make use of it online. 'The strategy for the next few years is to open archives less deeply, but to allow the customer to disseminate information', is stated in an annual plan. 'This way, the customer quickly has basic information. '

Although new archive material is available every day, the Hague Municipal Archives believes in the coming four years to be able to sustain the backlog. In the annual plan, additional money from the municipality is requested to help unemployed people to organize the archive. The Hague Municipal Archive is working on a plan for this.