Gruesome family drama: toddler (4) shoots brother (2) dead

A four-year-old toddler killed his two-year-old brother in the US state of Virginia on Tuesday.

In Louisa, the 2-year-old Tyson Aponte's brother played with a weapon. He would have mistaken it for toys and accidentally shot his own little brother. The bullet hit the small Tyson in his chest. Aid from ambulance employees was no longer useful: the boy died from his injuries.

According to the local sheriff, the mother of the brothers was at home when the drama occurred.

In Roanoke, also in the state of Virginia, a second gun accident took place that same day. Here too, the victim was very young. According to a police spokesman, two parents have stated that their two-year-old son has shot himself in their apartment. He was also taken to the hospital, but did not survive the accident. What exactly happened is unknown.

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