Greek ex-minister advises British Labour

Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, is an adviser to the British Labour Party.

The flamboyant Varoufakis played a leading role in the negotiations on Greek debt. He explained his position last July because he found unacceptable the strict conditions for new loans to his country.

Varoufakis met with the shadow finance minister, John McDonnell.,, Varoufakis is interesting because he obviously with all these negotiations has been, '' Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn referred in an interview with the newspaper Islington Tribune to the negotiations with the European Central Bank, the European Commission and the International Monetary Fund.

,, I think that Greece has been treated terribly and that we need to reach out '', said Corbyn, who was strongly opposed to drastic cuts.

Varoufakis has described himself as a Marxist,, unconventional '. He studied at the universities of Essex and Birmingham. He accused European leaders last year,, terrorism 'towards Greece and said the austerity,, something like trying to milk a sick cow by that scourge. '