Government must lead to cyber security

The government must take the lead in cybersecurity, protecting against online crime.

More than 5 percent of national income last year was earned with ICT and therefore protection against online crime very important. The government must also control other than bring their own digital infrastructure in order, inter alia, to protect the data of citizens. Which citizens must have more knowledge of the dangers of cybercrime and how they can occur.

The business community needs to do more according to Verhagen. She recommends inter alia to 10 percent of the IT budget to spend on cybersecurity. There must also be a certification for companies that have digitally order their affairs. Companies are still affected by online crime, they should report it immediately.

With these reports, the government should do more. By sharing information better research into cyber attacks could be better. Verhagen also believes that the powers of the Dutch investigation, intelligence and security to modern. It should however be examined carefully monitoring methods and the balance between the powers and civil liberties. New laws should be drafted future-proof.

The Cyber ​​Security Council is an independent advisory body that the government provides solicited and unsolicited advice.