Gorilla toddler has concussion

The little boy in a zoo, the Cincinnati Zoo has fallen into a gorilla enclosure, a concussion and 'some scratches.

According to witnesses, the boy had said he wanted to go to the monkeys. In an unguarded moment he added deeds word. To help zipped guards saw no other solution than the seventeen year old beast to put a bullet through the head.

Many people find that the 17-year-old gorilla Harambe is slain unnecessary. More than 200 000 people marched Change. org that the 200-kilo 'Harambe' it looks like nothing bad had the sense, though he the boy might not pulled too gently in the shallow water on a rock wall.
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The mother of the child is much to blame, as it sounds. Many people say that the woman should keep a closer eye on her son. The critics even go so far that a petition in life is called to prosecute Gregg for the Gorilla death. Which has been signed by 80 000 people.

Gregg writes in turn that 'accidents can happen.' 'People have quickly finished their opinion about the lack of oversight on my part,' she wrote in a Facebook message. 'Anyone who knows me knows that I love my children properly monitored. Accidents do happen and I am glad that the right people were on site at the right time. '