Google stunned: huge data dump by good morning from Indians

Google researchers have pulled their hair out of the head, but now they finally know why telephones in the Indies go massively: the thousands of 'good morning' images that Indians send to each other every day.

One in three telephones in the Indies suffers from a lack of space. Google wanted to investigate what that was. Soon a huge mountain of red roses, sunny places and cute kittens with a text like 'Good morning!' Came up- often accompanied by a vague text.

Before 08.00 in the morning a peak is reached, according to The Wall Street Journal. Many Indians are new to the internet and their first 'invention' is this protocol. The pictures end up with friends, family and even strangers, writes the newspaper.

Google has seen the search term 'good morning images' increase tenfold over the past five years. Ray Sharma (71) searches every morning around 06.00 am for suitable photographs. He sends them to fifty (!) Friends and acquaintances via WhatsApp. 'These pictures perfectly express my thoughts,' he says.

The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also a well-known good-morning photo fanatic. He gets up at 5:00, practices yoga and then sends out good morning photos. Once he became furious at officials who did not respond; they received a strict warning.