Google launches smart WhatsApp killer from

Google has kept his word.

With Allo Google seems market share of competitive services like WhatsApp, Telegram and Apple's iMessage to want to conquer. Allo is, like other services from your phone and not an account. If you have paired your phone once at Allo, the app is looking for yourself or your contacts are also Allo users. Terms of use Allo resembles example WhatsApp, but Google has built Google aide held a unique feature. The assistant will scan your messages and answers suggestions. For example, if someone invites you eat out, you will Allo voorschotelen some ready answers. The more you chat via Allo, the smarter is the assistant.

Where are Google chat services rather more or less bundled in Hangouts, the company has now chosen to take a few things apart. So Allo is intended primarily for text chats while Duo is a video chat service. This two-track approach is reminiscent of what Apple offers. The iPhone maker has iMessage for text chats and FaceTime for 'video calling'.

Allo was officially launched for Android, but the roll is gradually implemented. It may be that the app is not downloading to each device. When Allo comes to iOS, is not clear.