Google app: Netherlands best rijland

"Netherlands is the best country to drive.

"Waze looked in his Driver Satisfaction Index include the amount of traffic on the road, the condition of the roads, the number of accidents and the availability of parking and petrol stations. Motorists can drive smoothly in the Netherlands and the roads are good. Waze Netherlands therefore provides a 7.5. France, the United States, the Czech Republic and Sweden are also in the top five. Belgium is twelfth. El Salvador is 38th and last."

"Waze also looked at the best driving cities. That ranking is dominated by France and the United States. Amsterdam is on the 27th place.\n  \n    \n     \n      \n        0:43\n      \n     Threats of armed vlog rig\n     \n     \n      \n        0:35\n      \n     Karate Kick bashed man against wall\n     \n     \n      \n        1:35\n      \n     'Woman rightly dismissed'"