Girl (7) stabbed to death and dumped in rubbish container

It is the nightmare of all parents: a seven-year-old girl went to the door in Vienna to play.

The student was last seen live on Friday at 3 p.m. in the gated community playground, where she lived with her family. When she did not come home in the evening, a relative reported a message from a missing person at about 10.30 pm.

The police immediately started searching, including the basement of the residential complex.

But it was not until the next morning that the body was discovered when the garbage men wanted to empty the big black waste containers.

The place in the community building in the northwest of Vienna was deposed.

After the autopsy, the cause of death is now known. Whether the child has been sexually abused, is still unknown.

The researchers have not provided any information so far for technical reasons.

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