Girl (13) lures assailant in the fall

While the 13-year-old Lisa is waiting at the train station of the German Wolfsburg on her friends, she is a two-meter tall man pulled into a dark corner where he tries to get its edges.

'He said in English that I had to be silent' Lisa says, compared to Bild. Lisa can wrest in time to her attacker, but he pursues her. While she her tormentor is trying to shake off he calls her to him the next day her 'at three will meet again. 'He could not have done better.

Home Lisa tells her parents what happened to her that afternoon, and she goes with her parents to the police. Indeed, the man came, as he promised earlier, again showed up. Like Lisa, along with the agents that the man could nab immediately. According to the police it is a 34-year-old man Algeria.

The cameras are set up in the area around the station, did not produce any evidence. 'The cameras are, according to the police, only to football,' says Lisa's father.