Giant spider chases Australian set of cramps on the body

An Australian woman was scared when there was a huge spin on her house on Sunday night.

She was cooking with her when she suddenly noticed the animal, a hunting spider. Although, according to the Australian, the spider said 'innocent' in its own right, the video of the scene is suspicious. That's how the woman desperately calls us 'help us please.'

After making some pictures, the couple decided that the spider had to go away. They wanted to barbecue and did not dare out as long as the animal was sitting there. 'We tried to move the spider, but he clearly did not like that,' says Lauren- who called the beast Aragog, to the giant spin from the Harry Potter series. 'With a lot of bullion and crazy we eventually managed to get the spider in the garden. After that we never saw the animal again. Happy!'

The hunting crawler spider, known as a huntsman spider in Australia, is the largest spider on earth. Unlike other species, he does not make spider webs, but he attacks his prey with a running and jumping motion. The spider is not dangerous to humans. Although the spider lives mainly in caves, he sometimes dives into a residential area.