German Weidmann wants to succeed Draghi

Jens Weidmann, chairman of the Bundesbank, is receiving more and more German support as candidate-successor to ECB chairman Mario Draghi.

The German Chancellor Merkle supports President Jens Weidmann of the Bundesbank, reported Der Spiegel in February. Since then, there have been more signs of support for Weidmann. The question is whether the German Bundesbank is prepared to succeed Draghi.

He then said in an interview with German media that every member of the ECB Council must have the attitude to cooperate in a different role in monetary policy. From this, the German Handelsblatt concluded that Weidmann is applying. 'Jens Weidmann auf dem Weg zum EZB-Chef', headlines the newspaper.

In October 2019 the Italian president Draghi will join the ECB. His succession within the financial institution was signed by political struggle. Weidmann is known as an opponent of attempts from Southern and Eastern Europe to celebrate the strict requirements of the ECB for government funding. Germany and the Netherlands often act jointly in their resistance.

Spaniard Luis de Guindos will be the new Vice-President of the European Central Bank.

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