German company to cease deportation colleague

Employees of a construction company in Bavaria on Friday stopped work to protest against the deportation of an Afghan colleague.

Tavus Qurban came in 2010 to the Federal Republic and has worked since 2012 at Strasser Bau. To the shock of Qurban and his colleagues eventually rejected his asylum application and he is no longer welcome in Germany with effect from Saturday (October 1st). So he has no work permit and must leave the country.

Not only the immediate colleagues of Qurban, but the management is shocked. Which has announced the expulsion incomprehensible to find. ' Our colleague Qurban is integrated in the company, is involved, diligent and he learned German well. He pays his own apartment and taxes and social contributions, as every German citizen working. That his residence permit was not renewed incomprehensible, '' says Strasser Bau. All employees are Friday from 10 to 12 hours stopped work.