German city gives back and buys spoil art

The German city of Weinsberg (Baden-Württemberg) has given back a painting of the Jewish collector Max Stern, stolen during the Nazi period, and bought it immediately afterwards.

The work can therefore remain in the Weibertreu museum dedicated to the history of the city. The local government is happy with the official acquisition because the Bleker painting is an essential part of the collection, said deputy mayor Uwe Grobshäuser Monday. Weinsberg has been able to buy the artwork for 'a modest price of five figures' thanks to financial support from sponsors.

The intention was to return the painting in the autumn in Düsseldorf, which wanted to dedicate an exhibition to the life and work of Stern (1904-1987). He was an art dealer there until he took the neighborhood to Canada in 1937 under pressure from the Nazi regime. The exhibition has, however, been canceled. The 'Max Stern Art Restitution Project' has been working for years to locate the 400 works of art from the Stern collection in order to transfer them to his heirs.

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