G-E-S-C-H-O-R-S-T: top scratch player may not play for three years after secretly exchanging letters

Top scrabble Allan Simmons may not play scrabble games for three years because he has played falsely.

With his hand, the 60-year-old Simmons rule-feeding drawn letters secretly returned into the pocket to get new letters. And that is not allowed.

For more than thirty years, the Scot Simmons has played scrabble. In 2008 became the national champion and he also wrote several books about the game.

He also commented on major scrabble matches in The Times magazine. That newspaper first posted on the suspension and then slipped it to the side.

A fellow player reported in June to Simons. When he took letters out of the pocket, he did not keep the bag on his shoulder height. This has to be done so that it can not be seen in the bag.

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