Fries AppMachine on with Americans

The Frisian AppMachine was acquired by the Nasdaq-listed Endurance Group.

AppMachine offers consumers and businesses without programming skills may own app like Lego blocks to assemble.

Last year, Dijkstra has already received € 13.4 million from US investors. The takeover price was not disclosed.
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AppMachine will, according to a press release on Tuesday an 'integral role' to play in the expansion of Endurance, it is included in its much larger platform. Nbsp;

According to Michael Kesselmann of Endurance, which supports companies with software and counts 3800 employees, AppMachine can help digital simplify its entire portfolio.

Over the past eighteen months, the companies have worked together on projects. AppMachine developed standard software for small businesses, enabling them to develop ecommerce operations and enhance their visibility on social media.

AppMachine, founded in 2011 with operations in two hundred countries will be able to develop much broader with the acquisition, says Dijkstra. AppMachine at work thirty people.