Fraud within the EU party of PVV

The Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) in the European Parliament, in which the PVV is also affiliated, is suspected of fraud.

In 2016, half a million would have been incorrectly declared to 230 bottles of champagne, gifts and dinners of more than 400 euros per person.

According to Het Nieuwsblad, this appears from a report from the EY accountancy firm and a letter from the EU Budget Committee headed by Klaus Welle.

The group will have one last chance to justify the expenses, otherwise the amount must be repaid.

According to this investigation, PVV delegate Auke Zijlstra spent 5000 euros for binding and sending documents for 50 people.

The ENF has 36 seats in the European Parliament. The party includes the PVV, the French Front National, the Belgian Vlaams Belang, the Italian Lega and the German AfD.

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