France accuses Belgium escape Abdeslam

The Belgian intelligence services have failed to inform France Salah Abdeslam, the only surviving suspected member of the terrorist cell behind the attacks in Paris last November, was radicalized.

French police Abdeslam held a few hours after the attacks on the Belgian border standing, but was unaware of his jihadist beliefs and activities. They therefore had to go back to him. Abdeslam dived in Brussels and was only arrested in March.

French police arrested the birth of French Bruxellois standing because Belgium had entered into the Schengen Information System that he had a criminal record. He not only criminal, but also extremist was the Belgians had not passed, according to the French broadcasting the conclusion of the rapporteur of the committee. According to this Sebastien Pietrasanta is the French police to blame. When she received the incriminating information several hours later still the Belgians had already flown the bird.
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The committee of the National Assembly Tuesday brings her findings to the outside.