Four killed by attacks on UN base in Mali

By terrorist attacks came four people died in two bases of the UN in northern Mali, including a blue helmet anyway.

The government has let Beijing know that the fallen soldier is a Chinese. The post where he stayed Tuesday night was hit in Goa by a rocket or a mortar shell. Later became a camp of the international mine clearing in another area of ​​the city with lighter weapons under fire. A foreign expert, whose identity has not been revealed, and two Malian security guards were slain.

Responsibility for the attacks was claimed by a militant group with ties to al Qaeda. The terrorist, who is also active in Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast, said via social media that she is at war with the UN, speaking of an occupying power,, '',, and Crusaders'. Sundays were slain in central Mali five Togolese peacekeepers when their convoy drove into an ambush.
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The UN and China have urged Mali to do everything possible to identify and bring to justice the perpetrators.