Fors more British become Germans

The number of Britons who had German nationality was 360 percent higher in 2016 than one year earlier.

In total, over 110,000 foreigners acquired German nationality last year, an increase of 2.9 percent. The British formed the fastest growing group. The largest group came from Turkey's statistical office. In 2016, 16 290 Turks won a German passport.

Whilst more and more Britons request German nationality, there is an opposite movement in Britain. The number of non-UK EU citizens who left the United Kingdom, according to the British Bureau of Statistics (US) last year.

Thus emigrated 117,000 EU citizens who had settled in the country reported us last month. There were 31,000 more than in 2015. Also in 2016, fewer EU citizens in Britain will leave the EU in 2019.