Former NBC presenter receives support after abuse allegations

Former NBC host Tom Brokaw was accused of sexual abuse on Friday.

The woman who accused Brokaw worked as a war correspondent for NBC News. Linda Vester says that the newsreader has tried to kiss her twice and inappropriately sought sexual advances. 'He took me in my neck and tried to force me to kiss him. I was shocked when I noticed how strong he was. He was the most powerful man in the channel and I was the most inexperienced. 'She says that Browak left when she came under his grasp and she let him know that he had to leave her alone.

Variety and the Washington Post published her accusations. The Washington Post also anonymously published the story of a second accuser. Variety has, in his own words, looked at diaries from that time, which support the story of the now 52-year-old Vester.

Brokaw (78) denied the accusations and said that he only met Vester twice when she asked him about her career with the sender. According to him, these encounters were short and formal. In several e-mails to friends, he complains about what was done to him 'in what I thought was the last phase of my work and life'.

In the meantime, he has received support from 65 women in the American television industry who drafted a letter in defense. Among them is former NBC journalist Maria Shriver, for years- and on paper still- the wife of Arnold Schwarzenegger. They write that Brokaw has always treated them with honesty and respect, gave them opportunities to move forward with their careers and has welcomed their successes. 'He is a man with enormous decency and integrity. '

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