Former employee Trump refuses to testify

A former Donald Trump employee refuses to appear before a grand jury that investigates the possible Russian interference in the presidential election.

Nunberg must report in Washington on Friday. He showed the newspaper the alleged summons of special prosecutor Robert Mueller. The former campaign employee must, among other things, hand over documents relating to Donald Trump and nine other people.

Nunberg said he was ignoring the summons. He does not submit documents and will not testify either. 'Mr. Mueller must understand that I will not come Friday,' said Nunberg, who stressed that Trump has not been in the hands of the Russians. 'Putin is too smart to team up with Donald Trump. '

The former campaign employee showed that he was not afraid of the possible consequences. 'What is he going to do? He is so tough, we see what they do, 'he told Bloomberg News. 'I will not go forty hours to check out e-mails. I have a life. 'Nunberg was part of the Trump campaign team, but was fired in 2015.