Forgotten girl (3) is freezing dead in schoolyard

A 3-year-old toddler was frozen to death on Friday after a kindergarten teacher lost sight of the girl after the playtime.

It was about-5 degrees Celsius when the class of Zakhra Rzayeva went outside for fifteen minutes. After a short break, the class went back inside. Only two hours later the leaders of the playgroup found out that the girl was missing.

She was found behind a mountain of snow in the playground. The emergency services were called in, but a brake demonstration attempt proved too late. That writes the Daily Mail.

The Moscow police has started an investigation. The crèche staff denies that they have left the girl alone for too long.

A friend of the family says that Zakhra Rzayeva came back a few days earlier with swollen lips from a day at the playgroup. 'She always liked it very much at the crèche, but she said recently that she was sometimes afraid of certain teachers and masters. '