Flynn issues papers to research committee

Former security adviser Michael Flynn will hand over a number of documents to the US Senate Research Commission.

Flynn's representatives would have sent an email to the committee on Tuesday, promising to hand over some of the documents before the deadline. Other documents will follow later.

The investigation committee summoned two Flynn companies, with the requirement to transfer relevant documents about the investigation into Russian interference with the US elections.

Previously, Flynn himself was sued, calling on the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, which stipulates that no one has to bear witness to himself. A company can not rely on that amendment.

Flynn was not employed as a national security advisor for the White House for a month yet. In February, he had to resign because he had conceded that he had talked with the Russian ambassador about a relief from sanctions against Russia when he was not yet in office. He is one of the most important witnesses in the investigation of cooperation between the Kremlin and Trumps campaign teams.