Flikken actor Guy Van Sande confesses viewing child pornography

The Flemish actor Guy Van Sande has known that he has visited a chat room in which child pornography was distributed.

The request for a suspension means that he implicitly confesses guilt in the child pornography case that has been running since 2016. If the suspension is granted, the case will not go to court and the conviction will be suspended for a certain period. If a criminal offense is committed during this period, there is a chance that the judge will still pronounce a punishment for the crime of which he was previously suspected. The council chamber gives judgment on 23 October.

Van Sande, who is known from the Flemish Flikken series, was arrested in 2016 on suspicion of involvement in the child pornography case. He is suspected of possessing, producing and distributing child pornography. The actor who no longer works at Flikken acknowledges having visited a chat room in which child pornography was distributed, but denies having actively contributed to both production and distribution.