Fitbit sued for faulty heart rate measurement

The smart wristbands gadget manufacturer Fitbit users are under less astute than forecast.

         A number of users of straps that measure heart rate, is a collective lawsuit against the manufacturer. According to prosecutors, the measurements are often far besides health risks that this entails for users.
A woman from Colorado says its Charge HR 50 percent sat beside her current heart rate. After a fitness exercise was her heartbeat as a manual measurement of its coach 160 beats per minute, while the fitness band indicated only 82.
According to the indictment, this is not an isolated incident. Several consumers complain about faulty measurements or devices that refuse service altogether.
Fitbit makes in his wristbands use optical pulse technology. Heart rate is measured by LEDs that measure changes in blood volume through the wrist.
Commenting Fitbit says that the case has no ground. 'Fitbit is behind his heart rate technology and is strongly disagrees with the allegations contained in the complaint and the matter will defend strongly. '
The lawsuit is not the only setback for Fitbit. The company that sold the most wearables last year saw the beginning of the week after the launch of its newest wearable share price fall by over 20 percent. Investors have little confidence in the first smart watch company: the Fitbit Blaze. The future will show how the consumer appreciates it.