Fish skin heals burned bear at lightning speed

An American veterinarian has recovered two bears with third-degree burns quickly, thanks to a special experiment.

The two bears could escape alive from the great fires in California, but were seriously injured. Their pain was severe and one of the bears was pregnant. They had to be helped quickly.

Veterinarian Jamie Peyton of the University of California often took care of cats and dogs, but she was rarely seen for such 'hot fires'. Yet she succeeded with flying colors: the bears cured in a few weeks, instead of six months, the Washington Post writes.

The fish skin is probably the secret. Why did she choose this? Of course she first tried the standard procedure, but the animals actually had to have a kind of connection. They could eat that, feared Peyton, and it would cause discomfort. 'If it falls off, you do not just walk into the cage. '

The veterinarian remembered a story from Brazil, where treatment with fish skin is more often chosen. Not surprising: the collagen in the fish skin can help with the healing process. 'Moreover, the skins are available everywhere, and very, very strong. '

Now that the experiment- first performed on the pregnant bear, then on all others- has succeeded, Peyton wants to use the fish more often in the animals she normally treats: pets. 'I am very surprised. There was a lot of pain relief, and the time of healing has become much shorter. '