First standings after Iowa

After a stormy election night in Iowa, the Republican Ted Cruz and Democrat Bernie Sanders the (moral) winners.

Cruz defeated, against all the polls in, Donald Trump, Sanders became embroiled in a neck-and-neck race with towering favorite Hillary Clinton.

Yet the self-declared will 'democratic socialist' in Vermont still a lot of miracles have to perform to keep the nomination of Clinton, according to the first standings of the race to the White House. The former minister and former First Lady has in him before Iowa managed to secure the support of more than 300 party bigwigs, almost half the number of 'superdelegates' who in a few months, during the convention, regardless of the results in the country cast their votes. Sanders rallied just over ten superdelegates behind. Some 300 have not made a choice.

The moral boost that Ted Cruz in Iowa received is greater than the actual lead he has on his Republican rivals: exactly one delegate is the difference between Donald Trump and Marco Rubio. Ben Carson is also after the first caucus on the scoreboard, with three votes at the convention. Jeb Bush and Rand Paul each received one delegate.

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