First sex doll broth open

The first sex doll broth part is a fact.

Customers pay fifty euros for half an hour, eighty for an hour and for one hundred and twenty euros the silicone doll is available for you one and a half hour.

The owner speaks in Het Nieuwsblad of 'a unique erotic service with one of our eight beautiful, lifelike silicone ladies'.

The brothel, which is located exactly between Antwerp and Brussels near the motorway, has had five customers since the opening last week, so it's still a bit of a mess.

Fabrice Jacobs converted his own living room into space to receive his customers. In an adjoining room the interested person can go to Jessica, Eva, Amelia, Gabriella, Kyara, Linda, Sabrina and Lolita.

The customer can adjust the head, body, clothing and hair style of the dolls according to his preferences. Even a change of sex is possible (with the help of a 14-centimeter long attachment).

The regional newspaper Derniere Heure took a look. The reporter of the service notes that the ladies feel cold and stiff and do not seem willing enough. According to the owner, it also takes a while before his twenty kilos of heavy 'madmen' are warmed up.

The former wholesaler of cleaning products in Brussels first intended to start renting out in Spain after selling his business. But now he sees golden opportunities.

Jacobs wants to expand rapidly: a male doll has to come and his 'workers' have to groan and talk.

The Belgian emphasizes that the dolls are thoroughly cleaned after each use. The ladies go into a bath in the garage next to the house.

Condoms are not required.

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