First setback new entry ban Trump

A federal judge in Wisconsin has trumps custom admission Friday inflicted the first blow.

The temporary injunction applies only to the case of the Syrian family. The Syrian man brought his case anonymously to court to protect the identity of his wife and child. Mother and daughter still live in the Syrian Civil War-torn Aleppo.

Sunni Muslims fled Syria in 2014 to escape ' to an almost certain death '' by sectarian rebel groups fighting in Aleppo by Syrian government forces, said the Syrian.

The man then did well to get the status of asylum for his wife and their only surviving child. The initial admission of President Trump January 27, however, threw at the last minute spanner in the works. That ban was withdrawn after a federal judge in Washington state found that their export was illegal. The same judge refused Friday its decision to apply the revised travel ban. According to him, should lawyers of the states against the new ban to support their case with extensive documentation.

The new entry ban holders of so-called green card, a residence permit for an indefinite period, not in the country. The ban concerns the inhabitants of Muslim countries Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Libya and Iran and is valid from March 16th. The original entry ban also applied to citizens of Iraq and denied Syrian refugees permanent access to the US