First refugees redistributed

A group of refugees who knocked and registered in Italy on Friday moved to Sweden .

The group comprises twenty Eritreans who volunteered their identity problems and gave their fingerprints. They depart from Ciampino airport in Rome to Sweden. Because their asylum application is processed further. EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos ( Migration) refugees met for their vertrek.In September, the EU countries were able to agree on the distribution of a total of 160,000 refugees throughout Europe on a voluntary basis and not according to a fixed verdeelsleutel.Voorlopig there are no people in the Netherlands, said Minister Klaas Dijkhoff ( Asylum).

There are now some pilots, but we are not a participant. Netherlands before receiving the first refugees , registration in Southern Europe must be in order. You have to register people first and then you can redeploy people . In this area is still work to be done.