Fines of zero euros sent in bulk

Belgian justice appears to be sending traffic fines around the last few weeks that make you happy.

If you have driven too fast with our southern neighbors, you will now receive a voucher to immediately transfer zero euros. And if you do not do that within ten days, there will be an increase.

Wilfried Vandaele, member of parliament for N-VA, received this bizarre message. The man had flashed in his hometown De Haan because he drove 51 after correction, instead of 50. And that cost him 53 euros. 'No more than rightly, because I drove too fast', he says to Het Nieuwsblad. 'So I paid that immediately. '

Yet, to his own surprise, he received a reminder for the same fine a while later. One for zero euros. 'This is really Kafkaian. '

Justice in Belgium says to be aware of the zero euro fines. Spokesperson Edward Landtsheere: 'Presumably it is a childhood disease. It is by no means an isolated case. Several citizens received such a reminder. And that causes confusion among the people. '

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