Fetus cake for a year old bodybuilder

A woman who made a special cake for her husband for 50 pounds, a fervent bodybuilder, got something different than she had expected.

The 44-year-old Sharon Bijin from English Lemington had made her order at a professional baker to surprise her husband Jay on his 32 year birthday. The baker was highly regarded.

When Sharon picked up the cake, she did not get the advice on the box because it was raining. When she came home and looked at the cake, she responded shockingly. 'It seemed more like a cashew or an alien,' she explains to the Daily Record.

A Sharon girlfriend put a picture of the 'feta cake' on Facebook, with the description that it seemed more like a fetus than a biceps.

Sharon tried to contact the baker, but without success. Suddenly she was blocked on Facebook. Indeed, the baker in question is no longer available and seems to have disappeared from social media.