Father of toddler Disney drama: there was a second alligator

There was a second alligator in the game in the deadly attack on the 2-year old toddler in June at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.

This information was last Sunday outside via the Orlando Sentinel, which is in possession of emails from the security forces from the area.

Father Matt Graves was taken to hospital after the incident in order to be helped to his injuries. Along the way he shared his traumatic experience with a member of the fire department. He said it was terrible to see how his son was withdrawn water. He then reported that during the fight with the alligator had his child, he was attacked by a second alligator.
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The fire chief made this information to warn of a second alligator in the lake at the resort. In the hours before the toddler was found five alligators were slain in the hope of finding the child. Eventually the intact body of the boy was found after eighteen hours by a diver.

Disney posted three days after the incident fences around the lake.

Shortly after the incident, reported an agent there for a while no alligators were seen in the area anymore.
