Fanatic Orange fans already present

Like other years, the first fanatic Orange fans gathered at Noordeinde Palace on Tuesday morning.

Among them loyal supporters such as Johan Vlemmix and Oscar Meijer who have been present at the annual high day. Vlemmix announced the release of peace flags among the interested parties. Those gests are related to global tensions, according to the Brabander.

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The glass carriage rides this year for the second time on Prince's Day from Noordeinde Palace to the Binnenhof, where King Willem-Alexander in the Ridderzaal read the throne. The glass carriage replaces the Golden Carriage, which is being restored.\n  \n   \n    \n    \n   \n   \n   \n      \n   \n     Oranjefan Johan Vlemmix is ​​waiting for Prince's Day at Noordeinde Palace.\n    \n   \n     Photo: ANP

According to Weeronline, the day starts to grow a bit gray, but it breaks the sun in the course of the day. Occasionally there is a mood and there is a strong wind.