Facebook removes more IS material

In the first three months of the year Facebook has removed 1.

The European Union has put Facebook and its competitors in the online business under pressure to remove extremist statements from the site faster. Otherwise, legal measures will be taken to enforce this. Since then, the tech industry has been making more effort to show progress in this area.

Facebook stated that the improvements are mainly due to the deployment of own staff and the internal signaling system for terrorist propaganda. In 99 percent of cases, users were not the first to report controversial messages this year, including the posts of white racists and militant environmental activists.

Topman Mark Zuckerberg said earlier this month to the US Congress that Facebook is fully convinced of its responsibility for the content on the site. Approximately a year ago, it has already started taking necessary measures. Traditionally, Facebook, like Twitter and Google's YouTube, had the material posted to its users reviewed and, if so desired, to file a complaint.

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