Facebook grabs fake news in Germany

Facebook is in Germany working with journalistic organizations to prevent the spread of fake news.

The journalists of Correctiv go check messages from Facebook. If they conclude that this is fake news, then Facebook adds a warning. The message itself does not disappear, and it remains just divisible. However, Facebook will in some cases have the message less often in the timeline of users. Currently, Facebook is also talking to other publishers about such cooperation.

The step from Facebook following sharp criticism from German politicians about the fake news. In the run-up to national elections would prevent fake news Germany plays a role. The SPD has proposed a law allowing Facebook hefty fines can be imposed for spreading fake news. In American elections Facebook was the allegation that the fake news Donald Trump has played in the map.

Germany also will vote to appoint Facebook as a journalistic medium. Facebook itself would have a greater responsibility. Facebook wants However, under no circumstances, it will operate as neutral as possible.