Facebook allows brain-controlled gadget

Social network Facebook puts not only the future of software, but also about making hardware.

It is what for gadget not yet known, it will be exact, but it is clear that there is a scientist working on it which has been designed prostheses in the past, which can be controlled in the same way. According to insiders want Facebook during his upcoming F8 Conference this and other projects of its Building 8 division for the first show to the public.

Building 8 is a research department of the company, similar to the X-division of Google. This research into projects that may not be directly applicable to the social network, but in the longer term deliver new techniques.

In addition to the brain-controlled gadget might Building 8 are working on three other major projects. So we are working on an augmented reality device and something for the medical market.

F8 found on April 18 instead.