Facebook acknowledges government manipulation

Facebook acknowledges that public authorities through the social network influence public opinion to promote their geopolitical agenda.

In the Information Operations and Facebook report, the company argues that the low cost and risk campaigns go beyond just spreading fake news, such as spreading disinformation and deploying fake accounts to influence public opinion.

The strategy consists of three parts. This involves collecting and releasing confidential data, such as Wikileaks does, and creating both true and false content. Also, people who make unwanted statements are coordinated in a coordinated manner, while people who say things that fit into their streets are brought to the attention of others.

The report outlines increasing co-ordinated attempts to encourage online populations and to direct their opinions. The organizations behind fake accounts seem to have a basic knowledge of local politics, which suggests that there is a higher level of coordination and planning.

Facebook has taken steps to detect and counter fake news on the network, but these kinds of campaigns would require a different approach. The company has already begun to remove fake accounts.

Facebook users should not have been the victims of campaigns in which data is collected. To prevent users from becoming phishing, the social network has improved security and privacy protection. Also, Facebook lights people if they have become or become victims.