Ex-stripper inherits tons of deceased customer

A former stripper from Atlantic City has found the rage of the relatives of HBO CEO Micky Liu by inheriting around € 200,000.

That writes the New York Post.

Micky Liu, a far too heavy ICT director at HBO, met the stripper in July 2014 in the Atlantic City Scores strip club. The two got to know each other quickly enough and enough to be able to speak of an 'everlasting friendship' according to Veronica. Barely a year later, Liu, who had heart problems, suffered from diabetes and was chronicled as a chronic alcoholic, was found dead in his apartment in New York. He was 50 years old.

That friendship, according to Beckham, meant that he had made her the beneficiary of his pension scheme and life insurance policy.

Liu's sister May did not trust that. She claims that Beckham, through her profession, is able to embrace men in an unrivaled way. In court she argued this week that the stripper put pressure on her brother in this way. It is striking that the friendship turned chilled after Liu had made his stripping girlfriend a beneficiary. Just before he died, Micky told Veronica that he was missing her and that he did not understand why he could not contact her.

Judge Rita Mella could not help but judge Beckham. Sister May was declared inadmissible because only the previous beneficiary could challenge the inheritance. And that was not May, but an ex-girlfriend of Micky Liu.

That does not mean that May Liu gives up. 'We are going to study the verdict,' her lawyer said.

And Veronica Beckham? He said he was affected by the accusations. 'There has never been sex, only friendship. And I never asked him to favor me. 'She left the comic world behind. Nowadays she is a stylist in Miami and she can count rapper Flo Rida as her clientele.

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