Ex-Prime Minister Egypt aspires to presidency

Former Prime Minister of Egypt Ahmed Shafik said on TV on Sunday that he is still considering being a candidate for the presidency.

According to his daughter, Shafik was taken from his home in the United Arab Emirates on Saturday and put on the plane to Cairo. Earlier in the week he had said he had the ambition to succeed Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as president. The elections are next year. Shafik also participated in 2012 but then lost to the later set-off Mohamed Mursi.

'I am in the country today, so I think I am free to discuss this issue, to orientate myself and to go out on the streets to talk to people. Now there is a chance to do more research and see what exactly is needed. I want to find out whether it is the logical choice ', according to Shafik on the private channel Dream TV.