Even Syrian girl Bana (7) homeless after bombing

The seven-year-old Bana Alabed, a girl of seven which became famous because she and her mother via Twitter message about the war in Aleppo, is homeless.

'Tonight we have a home anymore, it was bombed and destroyed. I saw dead and almost died himself, 'Bana wrote Monday.

A photo of the destroyed house following Tuesday. 'This is our house. My dear dolls were killed by the bombing. I am very sad, but also happy that I'm still alive, 'her mother writes on behalf of Bana.

Aleppo is the last major city which is partially held by the rebels in Syria. Who now have the heaviest losses since 2012 which suffered the fall of the city is only a matter of time. Then it will move the insurgency probably as a guerrilla-like warfare to the countryside. The question is whether there is still Bana.

Read also: Syrian girl (7) does cry