European Public Prosecutor without Netherlands

Seventeen EU countries go without Netherlands, working together in a European Public Prosecutor (EPP).

'The Netherlands has chosen, which I also support, to now do not go to it,' said Prime Minister Mark Rutte. Member States may join later if the 'enhanced cooperation'. The EPP would be authorized in the member States to investigate fraud involving EU funds.

Rutte said that Europe is moving in a 'direction that suits me, with a number of key tasks. 'A 'Europe à la carte' he calls it rather not,' as if we have invented something new. While we all do it, where necessary, as with the Schengen area. '

In 2013, drew the House and a number of other national parliaments a 'yellow card' to the proposal from the European Commission for an EOM. They find that justice matters must remain a national competence. The government was in November approved a modified proposal, the House does not.